Black swan surfing night surfing company

Surf More...

...Without the crowds

Jaded to be at work
while others are surfing?

Fed up with crowd spots?

surf uncrowd waves surf de nuit embarcadere vendée

The night

A new playground

To make a session on the point-break of the corner after the job

Surf the short swells of the Mediterranean sea

Privatize a regional classic spot with some friends

Waiting for the right tide and the right wind

Some of the best European waves (Mundaka, Guéthary…) and French secret point-breaks are surfed at night

nightsurf lamp blackswan light

A new tool in your quiver

Powerful and Autonomous

7000 lumens at full power, from 90 mins to more than 12 hours of autonomy

Simple, Reliable and Robust

Your security is not an option

Night surfing is not a trivial activity. Simplicity of use and reliability have been the basis of development

Versatile and ergonomic

Longboard, SUP, Bodyboard, Skiing, Snowboarding, Downhill Mountain Biking, Snow Climbing, Icefall Climbing, Kayaking, Canyonning, Tidal Bore are the activities our customer practice.

To you to extend this list …

aurelien jacob surf de nuit lost in the swell

Aurélien Jacob – Adventurer Surfer

“It’s crazy … When you go in the wave, it’s as bright as daylight!”

lloyd scott first nightsurfer united kingdom

Lloyd Scott – UK night surfer

“There is no better feeling than surfing your local classic break with nobody in, the Black Swan lamp is a total game changer!”

“From the first session I had, I knew I was addicted to night surfing”

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Dylan Graves – Surfer from Planet Earth

“It's fully sick when you are on the wave, you see everything !”

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blackswan lamp nightsurfing review
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(+33) 06 13 63 10 21

3 rue Charles Bourseul

22300 Lannion


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